In no specific order, here are several things that could irritate you if you’re a motorcyclist:
With that said, a lot of other things that irritate us, like the weather, machinery, or animals, aren’t reactive to reverse psychology. In such scenarios, if you start to get upset, I suggest slowing down, taking a deep breath, letting the anger subside, and calmly go about your day.
LIFE'S too short to get upset, particularly when you’re riding a fast motorcycle. If someone irritates you on the road, the best thing you can do is ignore them. Nothing aggravates an angry driver like a kind wave, a nod, a thumbs-up, or a shrug of the shoulders. Returning the anger gives them the upper hand - they’ve imposed their emotion onto you.
1) Fog
Fog is more annoying to drive through than ice, snow, hurricanes, rain, or hail. When it’s windy or icy outside, a cyclist’s vision is hardly impacted. We tend to retain our senses during such weather conditions.
However, fog is a cloud of condensed water that we need to ride through, and it feels like we’re traveling through endless gray without seeing what’s in front of us. Fog tends to be dense in highly populated areas, where air particles allow water droplets to form easily.

When it comes to visibility, fog comes in a few different types: thick fog (less than 200m), aviation fog (less than 1000m), and dense fog (less than 50m). There are other types depending on where you reside and how fog is formed, but the one that makes the most impact is freezing fog (liquid water droplets that convert to ice crystals when they settle in subzero temperatures). Freezing fog creates an ice layer around your visor that can’t be wiped away, obstructing your vision.
2) Incoming main beam headlights
Think about this: you’ve gone out for a ride at night along a single carriageway. It’s pitch black outside. As you slow down, a vehicle suddenly turns the corner ahead of you. On instinct, you turn on your dropped beams in hopes that the driver will reciprocate. However, the driver has his main beam on, and he’s getting closer, to the point where his headlines are blinding your side of the road. You manage to ride past safely…but that could have been ugly.
3) Overtaking cars
Similar situation as the second point, but now the driver coming your way indeed dips his headlights. As he gets closer, the pair of headlights on the other side of the road hastily approaches your lane. The incoming driver doesn’t see you, which is why they decided to overtake. You have to break or swerve just to get out of the way.

4) Double white lines
Several years ago, a new bypass was constructed near the existing bypass. The new bypass wasn’t expanded to be a double carriageway. It’s essentially a single lane that is wide enough for a single vehicle. As such, several accidents have occurred, to the point where the Highways Agency has changed the dotted middle white line to double white lines. Now no one can overtake another vehicle.
For the most part, motorcyclists don’t follow the same protocols as drivers of automobiles. It’s not fair to create one rule that all drivers need to abide by. A motorcycle’s road footprint, width, and acceleration potential should have been taken into consideration and been exempt.

5) Parallel truck overtakes
Not everyone has to drive at the same speed. For the purposes of fuel economy, Lorries are permitted to travel between 54mph and 56mph. Some vehicles can go faster than others, and when they do, they block lanes for miles on end when someone tries to overtake another car. Needless to say, on a motorway that lacks a third lane, no one is going to be doing any overtaking.
Some believe the solution is to undertake both vehicles by driving up the road’s shoulder, pull ahead of the inside lorry and then lower your speed. Hitting the breaks after this can get you hit, so you should slow down very gently. The driver behind you won’t have any choice to slow down as a result. This will allow you to bypass the tailback behind you and ensures that lorry drivers’ speeds are reduced.

6) Rear tire wear
When it comes to tires, why do front tires last longer than rear tires, and why do rear tires square off? I question this because fronts don’t wear down as fast as rears (since the rears manage the driving force of the motorcycle). Rears square off since the bike is positioned upright more than it leans over.
This brings up a good question, though: why don’t tire makers make fronts with more grip, so they can wear down at the same rate as the rear. Also, why not give the rear’s shoulders more grip so it can wear down at the same rate as the crown?

According to Gary Hartshorne, a product manager at Bridgestone, the BT23 and the T30 can go through approximately 8000 miles and beyond very easily, they’re that versatile. Those tires work well whether the roads are wet or dry. In other words, your tires are a lot stronger than you think, regardless of where they are positioned.
7) Weather
We only get to ride certain periods throughout the year, some lucky ones more and some less. The only upside to this is the anticipation of riding season during the winter. For example, British motorcyclists get to ride only a few months per year while Scandinavian motorcyclists are limited to a two-month riding season. Some of us are more blessed of course!
Those are my biggest annoyances. Do you have any? I’d love to read about them in the comments below.