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Riding for a couple of weeks? Here's what you need

Motorcycle touring riding tips. What you need for a touring ride

You love going on tours with your bike. You envy others who go on tours abroad and post pictures of themselves in the desert, the jungle the mountains. If only you had the time and money to do this kind of trip. Unfortunately you don’t and it’s not bad as long as you do the best you can under the circumstances. Most of us don’t have the resources to embark on long motorcycle journeys.Instead we embark on relatively smaller trips that last usually 2 weeks.

Although they are relatively small, these tours require you to be organized. You want to make sure that you have all the necessary equipment that will keep you safe and comfortable.

To make life better for you we have split the equipment you will need in to 3 points:​

1. Helmet and peripherals including:


Head sock


Put these things together. You definitely want to keep your helmet even if you lose everything else.

motorcycle adventure sibirsky jacket

2. Your backpack

It is up to you decide what’s most important to put here but you should make sure you have the following:

  1. Water

  2. Air sealed snacks

  3. Your gloves (winter or summer depending on the first destination you will arrive)

  4. Camera

  5. Other electronic devices along with their charges

  6. Other.

Your backpack will accompany you during your flight as well so it will make your flight more comfortable.

3. Checked luggage

Personally I don’t recommend taking a dry duffel. It does not have wheels and you have a hard time moving around. Instead, take a small luggage that has wheels and can fit the things below:

  1. Your riding gear including another pair of gloves (winter or summer depending on whichone you have already put in your backpack). Remove the protectors to make more space.

  2. A first aid kit

  3. A pair of good jeans

  4. 7 pairs of underwear and socks

  5. 3 cotton t-shirts

  6. 3 athletic t-shirts

  7. Comfortable shoes for walking around

  8. Sandals

  9. Footer

  10. A pair of shorts

  11. Beanie, hat

  12. A sewing kit

  13. Toothbrush

  14. One Toilet paper roll

A few useful tips:

Synthetic material dries faster than cotton. Synthetic will dry overnight while cotton will take more time. Just have that in mind that when you decide to wash your clothes.

It’s good to have a wrinkle free shirt in case things get fancy

Don’t wait to use all your clothes before you decide to wash them. Wash a few at a time so you always have some clothes in case you need them

Don’t put more than one pair of jeans. Most probably you won’t need them

You will be wearing your riding gear most of the time so make sure you keep it in good condition. It would be nice to clean your gear from bugs and other insects at the end of the day’s ride. Don’t wait until for your gear to become a colony of dead bugs.

The above are only reccomendations. Always have in mind that you might need different things according to the environment you are going to.For example you will need mosquito repellent if you are travelling to tropical and subtropical areas etc.

Feel free to place your own ideas and suggestions


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